Sweet Itch can be the nemesis of many horse owners, turning the joy of owning a horse into a frustrating battle against relentless itching and discomfort. One of the most common skin diseases, Sweet Itch is a condition caused by an allergic reaction to the bites of Culicoides midges. Sweet Itch is largely a seasonal condition as midges do not fly in strong winds or heavy rain, but like damp, humid conditions. They will appear throughout the spring, summer and autumn months, but may be active all year if the weather conditions are suitable. Midges are normally active during dawn or dusk when it is not too bright or dry out.

Sweet Itch symptoms will differ from horse to horse. The allergic reaction causes intense itching which can manifest as occasional rubbing and broken mane and tail hairs, to excessive scratching resulting in hair loss, skin inflammation, and sometimes open wounds where secondary infection can occur if left untreated. The most commonly affected areas are the mane, dock, and face. But there's a hero in the battle against Sweet Itch – Carr & Day & Martin Killitch.

How can you treat Sweet Itch?

Killitch is a veterinary medicine used to treat sweet itch. This powerful anti-itch solution is specially formulated to provide relief from itching and soothe irritated skin as well as target the root cause of Sweet Itch. It contains the active ingredient Benzyl Benzoate which effectively soothes and calms irritated skin, stopping the itch-scratch cycle and preventing the biting insects from being able to reach the skin.

How to use Killitch

Killitch can be used to prevent or treat Sweet Itch. For prevention, start applying Killitch in early Spring before the onset of symptoms. During peak Sweet Itch season, typically from March to November when midges are most active, Killitch should be applied daily to all affected areas by rubbing in with fingers or a soft cloth.

Maintaining cleanliness is vital in managing Sweet Itch. All affected areas should be kept clean by shampooing and rinsing well with a product such as Gallop® Medicated Shampoo. Gallop® Medicated Shampoo is a high specification formula ideal for dry, flaky, itchy, scurfy and sensitive skin. The pH neutral formula contains natural oils that helps to soothes and calm irritated, sore, damaged skin whilst also softening and lifting scabs and dandruff. After shampooing or heavy exercise, re-apply Killitch® to ensure adequate protection.

Application to open wounds should be avoided, in this instance we recommend using Carr & Day & Martin Wound Cream before applying the Killitch to cover areas of broken skin. The Wound Cream forms a barrier allowing Killitch to be applied around the area until healed.

Preventing Sweet Itch

The old adage ‘prevention is better than cure’ is very true for Sweet Itch; using Killitch in early spring before Sweet Itch symptoms become evident will prevent it taking hold. Additionally, a holistic approach in management of Sweet Itch is essential. A fly spray such as FLYGARD® Extra Strength spray or Gel applied to your horse or pony will help to prevent your horse from being bitten. An insecticidal spray such as FLYGARD ® Protector can also be applied to the stable or field shelter which will help to protect your horse’s environment from flying and biting insects.

Fly rugs and, where possible, avoiding turnout when biting insects are most prevalent (at dawn and dusk) also help to prevent horse’s being bitten.

By combining Killitch with preventative measures, you can provide your horse with comprehensive protection against Sweet Itch.

Written by: Carr & Day & Martin (Guest Author)