Anyone who knows cats will recognise what curious creatures they are, driven by slightly odd behaviours at times.

While it is common for cats to exhibit the same set of behaviours, such as kneading, racing around the house, sleeping in strange places etc, some cat personalities and environments in which they live will incline them towards more specific behaviours which are repeated time and again.

To help you achieve a closer understanding of your cat’s natural instincts and the reasons they behave in the way they do, we’re exploring the different personality traits you may have witnessed in your feline to help you live more harmoniously together.

The Explorer:

Cats love to roam and explore, whether they’re inside or out. This is perhaps surprising when you think that cats spend on average 90% of their time asleep, preserving energy.

Instinct drives many cats outside, to patrol the borders of their territory, to hunt, and to release energy. But venturing outside isn’t without its dangers, and exposure to other cats, wildlife and parasites can all jeopardise the health and lifespan of a cat.

To keep your cat safe during its excursions, make sure you’re up-to-date with flea and worm treatments, vaccines, and that the details of your cat’s microchip are updated when you move house.

Cats that live inside will still retain their curious instincts and you’ll probably find them in the most unlikely places.

The Trooper:

Cats have evolved to disguise when they’re ill or in pain, in order to stop predators targeting them. Healthy cats are agile, active and alert, so when their health is compromised, they suddenly become very vulnerable.

This is compounded by the fact that cats are independent hunters, depending solely on themselves for food and protection. In contrast, wild dogs are pack hunters that have a fall back if they become injured or ill.

For this reason, it is important to take your cat for regular check-ups at the vet even if you don’t think there’s a problem. A vet will be able to notice subtle changes such as weight loss or gain, dental decay and gum disease, and problems with the skin or coat.

The Intruder:

Nosiness comes with the territory of being a cat and is something many a cat owner has to accept. Whether it’s climbing into your wardrobe to hunt out a new place to sleep, or rummaging through your handbag, cats are always on the prowl for new and exciting things to satisfy their curiosity.

If your cat is carrying fleas, then your home is going to become infested very quickly, so make sure you treat your cat and home regularly. If there are items lying around that pose a danger, make sure these are tidied away.

Despite being dexterous animals, cats have been known to get stuck in unusual places, so make these inaccessible if you can. Smells, no matter how subtle, can entice a cat to a particular part of the home, including counter tops and cupboards.

If your cat is a particularly keen intruder, give boundary training a go to prevent him from stumbling upon sharp objects and potentially hazardous foods.

Next week we’ll be discussing three more personalities that your cat may have, so stay tuned for part 2! As always, we’d love to hear your thoughts on this discussion, so please comment below :)

[Info provided by Bayer]

Written by: Hannah