Introducing raw dog food to your pet can be something of a challenge, particularly if you try to change the eating habits of your dog quickly and immediately.

Therefore it is important for you to take a slow and steady approach when introducing a new food product to your dog. Pets can be susceptible to sudden changes in their diet and it can impact their digestive system, so how do you make sure your dog is happy with the move to raw dog food?

Slow and steady

Firstly, you need to introduce it slowly. Initially this could be just feeding your dog twice a week with the new product and the rest of the time on food it is used to and recognises.

Then, over time, you can add more raw dog food to your pet's diet and make the transition easy and smooth, for your dog and you.

Ensuring your dog's digestive system can handle the change in diet is vital. This may mean you need to give them something extra to help them. Adding probiotics and digestive enzymes a day or two before introducing the new food can help them get over the initial change in diet.

These can be purchased online and will make sure that your dog is comfortable with its new diet when raw food is added.

Prepare carefully

When using raw or frozen dog food it is important to prepare the food carefully, just as you would if you were making food for you and your family. Keeping different types of raw meat separate and ensuring work surfaces and utensils are clean is key.

If you are thawing out dog food it is important to make sure it is thoroughly defrosted and that any left after your dog has had its meal is refrigerated and used within a few days of the packaging being opened.

This is similar to what you would do when opening meat at home for your own consumption, so just treat it the same way and your dog should have no digestive issues.

Think about after a meal

After your dog has had its food your job is not over. Much like your own leftover food, it needs to be cleared away. However, rather than this just being about tidying away mess, when it comes to dogs it is important not to leave raw dog food lying out in a bowl.

Over time it will attract bacteria and it is important that your pet does not have the opportunity to constantly graze on raw food.

What is important to note is that every pet will react differently to a change in diet and it is important to keep a close eye on what they are consuming during the changeover period. Doing so will ensure that your pet stays healthy during the transition and that you can take action and go back to the old diet if your dog is particularly struggling with its new diet.

Written by: Hannah